A bespoke garden planted with 150+ secondary school children of Wolverhampton and Walsall.


Extraordinary Us was asked to build a concept to capture the voice of 150+ secondary school children via 3x 40minute workshops. It was all in order to mark the moment, a year into the scheme, where students from 9 schools of the region were coming together for the first time. Together we planted a brand new garden which we will give to Wolverhampton as a brand new park-let.

Arts in education!! ✅✅✅

The students were asked to pick a plant/bulb/seed (from a spread) that best represented them and then plant it into the Speak Up garden structure. They then replaced the flower card with a card that is all about them including what they require to truly thrive.

The garden will be split amongst the seven schools over the coming weeks then be brought back together when the garden is in full bloom in July and gifted to a public space of Wolverhampton, which the kids can proudly call 'ours'.

A partnership with Wolverhampton Grand Theatre, National Theatre. Supported by FabLab Coventry. Conceived by www.extraordinaryus.co.uk