It is about time we celebrated the people who deserve to be celebrated.

About us

Founded by Coventry born and bred artist Paul O’Donnell (Artistic Director) Extraordinary Us CIC is an organisation that aims to find the extra in ordinary and make a fuss out of us through cultural activities and interventions.

The arts production company takes inspiration from the people we choose to celebrate, the reasons why we celebrate them and how we choose to do so. Let’s together use those reasons to champion those who currently go un-championed.

Extraordinary Us is proudly based in the West Midlands, supporting the creative talent that this thriving region has in abundance. The organisation will continuously seek developmental opportunities for creatives at all levels of their careers to ensure that the West Midlands is culturally TWO kick ball changes ahead of the rest of this disco ball we call ‘Earth’.

Our Vision.

We will lead the movement to have ‘insignificant’ removed from the English dictionary.

Nothing and no-one is ‘too small or unimportant to be worth consideration’.

Our Mission.

Connecting people through cultural activities to form a union of individuals that challenge, question and demolish the feelings of insignificance that stop us from being our best. Extraordinary Us will throw into question, shift, and realign how people view themselves; as individuals, as communities and as a collective.

We all deserve to feel glorious, proud and unashamedly important in whoever we happen to be.

Our values.

WE’RE CONSTRUCTIVE: We raise people and communities up.

WE’RE AUTHENTIC: We don’t need to create the story, the people are the story, and the people’s story is incredible enough.

WE’RE COLLABORATIVE: Our work is formed by residents, creatives, communities and partners all coming together with a shared passion.

WE’RE PERSONAL: Each person has a different approach to the world. We will find the best, not easiest, ways to ensure that our work reduces barriers and enables all to engage with what we create. Every individual is uniquely important.

WE GO ABOVE AND BEYOND: We are challenging a global agenda of self criticism and will be bold, playful and ambitious in our approaches to ensure people value who they are.